We offer the following services:
College Essay Tutoring
Over the past 13 years, Between the Lines has partnered with College Strategies to help students gain admission to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Stanford, Rice, Notre Dame, Oberlin, Trinity, and the University of Texas, among other schools. We have also helped students secure admission to competitive law schools, business schools, medical schools, and graduate schools of social work, psychology, creative writing, visual art, and theatre. In addition, we have helped students to win full institutional and private scholarships including the Forty Acres Scholarship and Bryan Cameron Impact Scholarship. Admissions officers have commented on the strength of our students’ essays. We can help students at any point in the college essay writing process, whether they have already completed an essay draft or are still choosing a topic. We are practiced at helping students hone in on a subject and style that displays their unique voice and background, and at shaping a draft into a vibrant, polished, standout essay. We work long distance with many students and can also meet in person with students in Charlotte, NC.
Freelance Writing and Editing
We are published, award-winning writers with graduate degrees from the world’s top writing programs. Adept at composing and sculpting content, style, structure, and language, we can help with both business-oriented and creative writing. We have extensive experience in substantive editing, proofreading, and copyediting. We have edited personal statements, artist statements, art criticism, project proposals, press releases, and real estate proposals. Art writing clients include installation artist Matthew McCaslin, multimedia artists Jayoung Yoon and Jayoung Chung, photographer Daniel Handal, Brooklyn’s 440 Gallery, and Active Ideas Productions. We have helped artists to win grants from the Gottlieb and Pollock-Krasner Foundations. We have also written, content edited, proofread, and copyedited a variety of content for businesses and organizations and can help you to powerfully and seamlessly convey your company’s vision. We have edited and proofread master's candidates’ theses and PhD candidates’ dissertations in a variety of disciplines and have substantial experience in second language editing.
Writing and Humanities Tutoring
Between the Lines staff are dedicated, enthusiastic, innovative educators with 20 years of experience in tutoring, teaching, and curricula writing. We have taught composition and literature at the middle school, high school, and college levels. We have written year-long high school and junior high English Language Arts curricula for Pittsburgh, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Atlanta public schools through Kaplan K-12 Learning Services and edited curricula for Achievement First charter schools. We are skilled at supporting students in transitioning to the higher level analysis and critical thinking required in high school and college reading and writing. Having taught high school English and college composition courses, we are aware of the critical gap between high school and college level thinking and writing and can support students in bridging that gap before college. We also work individually with young creative writers, helping them develop portfolios for creative writing scholarships and college writing programs. We believe that education should be inquiry-based, creative, challenging, inspiring, and relevant to contemporary life. We work both virtually and in person with students in Charlotte, NC.
Manuscript Editing and Writing Coaching
We are accomplished fiction and nonfiction writers with extensive experience in editing fiction and nonfiction manuscripts. We offer consultations and editing services for MFA application portfolios, book-length manuscripts, and shorter works. We have worked with and are comfortable assessing and editing a wide range of writing styles and can offer anything from simple line editing for style and consistency to “heavy lifting” for rewriting and structural changes. We also offer writing “coaching,” supporting individuals on projects over extended periods of time by providing structure, deadlines, and editorial feedback. Once writers have a polished manuscript, we can help them select and query literary agents. We work both virtually and in person with writers in Charlotte, NC. We have assisted fiction and nonfiction writers including Tadzio Koelb, Ryan Berg, Elmira Bayrasli, Micaela Blei, Caitlin Chandler, Hillary Gulley, and Jennifer Milton in readying book-length manuscripts, essays, and stories for publication and submission to literary agencies, residencies, and awards.